One-stop Automotive hospital in the west

Let us know what you’re looking to do and we’ll do our best to provide you with hassle-free solutions. We aim to assist you with all your problems. 

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What We Do

A list of things we’re specialised in:


Auto Maintenance Services​

Maintenance servicing should be done every 10,000km or 6 months, whichever comes first. Click to check out our servicing packages! Psst, vehicle inspection is also available.


Brake Repair Pads & Rotors​

It is important to keep your car brakes in good condition, especially during wet seasons to ensure both the safety of you and your passengers. Some services we offer include replacement of brake pads or rotors, brake fluid etc.



Sometimes referred to as the “Heart” of your car, we can resurrect (jump-start) your battery if needed. We also provide battery replacement and repairs.


Air Conditioning Services​​

RCA provides A/C inspection, maintenance and complete repair of any malfunctioning hot, smelly and noisy car air conditioning.

fleet management

From consultative work to maintenance and repair, our team at RCA have what it takes to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal – cost-saving, efficient and ensuring compliance.



Accident Claims Support

While we’re always hoping you’re safe on the road, accidents happen. Contact us when you’re safe and we will provide professional and legal advice on what to do. In addition, we do accident repairs.


Tires and Wheel balancing

You can find all your tire needs here. We will check your tires and provide the necessary tire repairs, tire rotation and balancing and complete replacement.


suspension system

Along with shocks and struts replacement, we also have tire alignment services to ensure your vehicle is moving smoothly.


And many others…

We also do body repair & spray painting, engine, gearbox etc. Tell us your concerns and we’ll give you the best possible advices.

Need a Roadside Assistance?

Give us a call and we’ll direct you to our towing partner to send you to our location so we could further assist you with your vehicle issues. 

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Our Customers Say

Just done my repair work not long ago for engine oil leaking and coolant leaking problem. they are professional in there’re work and did a good job too.. they are friendly and can advise you what is the best for your wallet and your car. highly recommended in the west area
Han Khim
Regular Customer
Went for a basic servicing package and surprisingly with the 37 points check, I realise that some issue might occur in the near couple of months. Surprising instead of hard selling, the mechanic suggested that I change only a couple of items and the rest would be able to last till my next servicing cycle.
Richard Lim
New Customer

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